How do you judge actions?

Humans are capable of an extremely wide array of different actions and activities. These range from the simple, concrete actions we take with our bodies, such as running, grasping, or eating, to prolonged, complex activites like playing rule-governed sports, or creating beautiful works of art. In this study, we are interested in learning how people like you make judgments about these actions and activites. In particular, we are interested in uncovering which psychological principles, or dimensions, help us make sense of other people's behavior.

The task you will engage in consists of making judgments about action terms such as "run," "build," or "discuss." On each trial of the task, you will be shown three such terms. One action will be the reference, and other two will be choices. Your goal will be to judge which of the two choices is more similar to the reference. There are no wrong answers - we are simply interested in the principles guiding your decisions. At the end of the study, you will receive personalized feedback about the degree to which you draw on eight different psychological dimensions to make your choices. You will also learn how much other participants - on average - tend to rely on the same psychological dimensions. If you wish to participate in this study on action judgment, please click the 'begin' button below.